Thursday 15 January 2009

Book of 100...

State the title & focus of your work in response to the brief.
Carrier Bags. The focus of my work from this point is to make an interesting book of 100...about carrier bags. I am not completely set on what direction I will take it in as I need to do a lot more research.

Identify specific areas of research that you intend to investigate and methods that you will use.
Research will be a big thing from now on as I didn't gather much 'information' to do with carrier. I currently have 200 pictures of 100 different carrier bags (front and back), 100 drawings of 100 different carrier bags and a list of the bags and colours. I feel that, from looking at other peoples work, I need to do a lot of secondary research on the subject of carrier bags but I don't really know What research will be appropriate or, more importantly, useful.
I would like to find out: artists/designers whose work has appeared on carrier bags; information on the materials used; information about enviromental issues around carrier bags and so on. I would also like to gather appropriate statistics about them.
My main interest when looking at the bags was the type and image used so this could be something that I explore.

Identify specific practical methods and technical processes that you intend to use in order to visually develop your ideas.
I hope to keep photography present in my work, however it may develop further than this. I will use photoshop for the photographs and possibly take them into illustrator to look at the imagery and typogaphy. As I already have 100 drawings, I may scan them and play around with them too in photoshop.
Typography will be a method/technical process present throughout my development.

What methods will you use to evaluate the progress and success of your work?
I will continuously evaluate my work through my sketchbook however, I have found recently that crits and group input tends to be the most effective form of evaluation of my work as I get to see other peoples opinions on it, not just my own. For my final evaluation, I may evaluate it against other books on...not particularly interesting subjects.

Wow, that was harder than I expected.

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